Tuesday, October 1, 2024

The Alphabet Alphabetacy -- Chp.4 : Lost in the Crush

Well hellooooooo and welcome back to the Alphabet household  

I believe we left off last time with our favorite (and only) son aged up to a teen woot !

and with teenagedom comes high school ! And maaaan that place is ugly lmao

Plus, like barely any kids even showed up for school which was unfortunate :l

luckily, Byrd is a social little sim so he started off his first day making what few friends he could out at the bus stop including this gal, Lynn Ember. Which, btw, epic name if I may say so myself

He also decorated his locker with all the latest sports stickers. Which was funny considering he's not even on the football team. Yeah, if you remember his aspiration, his athletic tastes are much more frigid.  *wink* But more on that later!

and for a jock, Byrd was clearly more than thrilled for class hahaha

Which, again, was a little less full than I would've liked, grrrrrr. Looks like its time to open up my browser and download some more mods hmm

also like this weird thing kept happening where students just randomly aged up

yeeeeaaaaaa, I guess it was a little bit of an adjustment period for the game

despite all the weirdness, Byrd still had a great first day and spent all of his lunch break getting to know all his new classmates

and even though he wasn't on the football team, Byrd was still keeping up with his fitness routine. Most days after school he took a very willing Asparagus on runs

ok so surprise ! I downloaded a totally remodeled high school off the gallery before Byrd's second day AND I also got a neat little highschool mod so the school would actually have full classrooms lmao

Not entirely sure why everyone is wearing the weird uniforms tho.....gonna have to check in on that one

anywayyyyyyys now we actually have kids filling up the whole classroom yey !!

unfortunately it was also career day which was spectacularly boring, they just spent half of their day rotating around the booths listening to these random speakers. Idk, maybe I missed something but it wasn't like there were any cool employment opportunities or anything so......yea

and Byrd ended up taking a nap on the bench outside hehe, not sure that I can blame him

later that day we turned to much more exciting events as it was time for the twins bdays into toddlerhood wheeeeeeeeeeee

Bryn was up first, little freaking cutie that she is GAH

and here is the ADORABLE little stinker, she got the fussy trait so she's rather moody all the time

next up is Blythe, also a freaking cutie

wow I am really going to miss the infant phase :(

and here she IS, oh my lord I love her SHES SO CUTEEEEEEE

also she got the charmer trait, which is very fitting because she's charming me as we speak

and here they are toddling all around together....yea this pic basically sums up their personalities LOL

Blythe is a smiley little girl while Bryn is just a fussy pants

ayooo, you guys ever seen a dog beheaded by a cabinet 0_o

and just a little interlude to enjoy this super cute photo of the gals and their momma

anywayyyyyys while the twins settled into toddlerhood, we return to Byrd’s super busy high school life

what can I say, our boy is a stud so he's pretty much ruling the hallways. You know the drill, makin friends, takin names, bein popular

(and yes that is his half-sister, Isabelle)

his best friend was this guy Marcus (I think thats his name?), anyways he was the quarterback on the football team

the two were terrible influences on each other and spent a decent amount of time out back playing on the basketball court instead of attending class

and even though Byrd was the hottest guy in school, he couldn't avoid the pitfalls of teenagerhood like breakouts ewwww

but he made sure to keep them covered up to keep up his hot guy image going

good thing too because the next morning he made the acquaintance of this gorgeous gal, Hannah Schaefer

The two sims got along swimmingly and formed a fast friendship. They just totally got each other, Hannah was sweet and funny and she made Byrd feel totally understood. It wasn't something he'd ever felt with another sim before. Plus, yanno, it didn't hurt that she was like totally hot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

Yea, our boy was completely and utterly smitten. Seriously, the minute he met Hannah he got the crush sentiment and he kept rolling wants to talk to her

They quickly started spending all of their time together, they even skipped some classes to shoot some hoops and canoodle outback by the basketball court

which might've been a good thing as I was still working out some kinks with the mod and the classrooms were erm...overflowing just a bit

The pair even went to football kickoff together

and they were oh-so-cute as they flirted the night away d'awww

although it would've been a lot cuter if this bint (who is actually Byrd's other half-sister LMAO) would get her fricken hand out of their faces

of course, Byrd also had to throw around the ol' pigskin with his bestie

and he immediately slammed it right into Marcus' face 

BAHAHAH I mean oh nooooo poor Marcus 

but yeah there's a reason that Byrd is not on the football team lol

after adequately goofing around, he also made sure to go support Hannah during her cheer routine !

Hilariously, that is indeed his half-sister Raelynn at the front of the squad ahaha. At this point all three of his half-sibs had aged up into teens so they were all in school and at events with him. Highkey, I did not realize how often they were featuring in photos until I put this chapter together lmao

anyways, we can all see Byrd's totally into Hannah so it should come as no surprise that he'd been working on a promposal, as the kids call it

and the next morning was the absolute perfect time to ask her to go to prom with him 

eeeeeeeeee, ok sorry I'll stop squealing, they're just such cuties !

of course she said yes, I mean after all, who could say no to Byrd's cheeky little face. And good thing too since he chose to prompose right in front of everyone, yeesh that would’ve been embarrassing 

in other parts of the household, the twinnies were toddling all around with their new found ability to walk

their absolute fav activity was playing out on the playground in the back of the house

And like any self-respecting young sim, blocks were also high up on the list

oh yes, Bryn and Blythe were truly the best of friends. I don't think I've had any toddler siblings this close in a long while in one of my legacies so it was very cute to see

They heavily reminded me of their older sibs so it looks like we've got two sets of besties this gen

And if you're wondering about our more adult-sized sims, Bama was still booking all kinds of fancy movies but since I'm spending more time with the kiddos I wasn't exactly getting a ton of pics of her at work

Buuuuut she did finally get enough street cred that her fame level maxed out and she got these pretty swirling stars around her yey !

Onto sweet Briar, who we haven't heard a lot from in childhood, but the truth is she's not really up to much except school and skilling :l

Oh and spending time with her bestie Jaxton, if you remember him from last chapter

Luckily, the next day it was her birthday and entry into teenhood so she was about to have a lot more going on

whooo whooo blow out the candles !

and sparkly dance of course (when I manage to catch it on camera)

oh yeaaaaaa baby, she's definitely got that star power from her momma, I smell a simfluencer in the making guys

she got the trait outgoing and her aspiration is Admired Icon

shes also got quite the honker lol, her dads genes really took over there hehe

right after Briar's age up it was actually time for prom so Byrd scurried on over to the gymnasium, I mean he couldn't miss his date with Hannah after all

Byrd was absolutely stunned by how beautiful Hannah looked, he couldn't believe that he was lucky enough to score a date with a girl like her.

trying his best not to do something totally embarrassing, Byrd was ever the perfect gentlemen. He even brought her a rose which I think she was properly thrilled by

The evening was absolutely perfect and Byrd was grinning ear-to-ear as they slow-danced together under the balloons

and after a couple hours, He'd finally worked up the courage...

...for their first kiss :D

I think its safe to say that Byrd was having the best night of his life hehe

hilariously Hannah also won prom royalty and Byrd did not lol. Alas, I guess that's what happens when you date one of the most popular girls in school

and after the dance our lovebirds got invited to the cutest little afterparty at the pier

and guys, I was highkey in shock when I saw this place !!! I have not kept up with literally any sims 4 news for a couple years so I didn't know this was a place you could actually go. I just thought it was like artwork on the map, so color me stoked :D

anyways it was the most adorable date, they rode all the rides together and Hannah was still wearing her crown which definitely made me giggle a little at my screen

All behold ! Queen Hannah is entering the haunted house

and at the perfect end to a perfect night, Byrd could only think of one thing he wanted, one thing that could make the night even better

He asked Hannah to be his girlfriend, which she was more than excited to say yes to

ok jeez loverboy take it down a notch before you scare off the lady ey?

Before I knew it, curfew had passed so Byrd had to bid his date adieu and dash on home. As he ran, he felt like he was flying, his whole body was shimmering with happiness

moving on from Byrd's perfect night as our other lovely teen, Briar, was getting accustomed to teenage life and all the new shiny things that come with it

Now that her and Byrd were on a level-playing field, per se, their friendship was at an all-time max

so who better to take with her on an outing to the thrift shop/bubble tea store down in Copperdale

Briar was a natural trendsetter so she'd already gotten accustomed with every app a teenage sim could use, especially Trendi. She'd already started to build a following on the app and naturally the next step was to thrift some outfits she could sell to her loyal victims, erm I mean fans oops

She tried on about a million different outfits, finally settling on the best picks to upload to her account

meanwhile, Byrd was off snacking in the corner LOL. Oh boys, so predictable

but after a thrilling afternoon of shopping and eating, the two didn't want to end the night so they decided to go out on the town to commemorate Briar's birthday

The Stargazer Lounge was the perfect spot for a lowkey night of karaoke and shimmying, it had always been a bit of a hidden gem in San Myshuno

and our teens had a wonderful night within the establishment, they drank copiously

(btw why is serving minors so accepted in simciety ??)

then they did some crazy karaoke duets

but while Byrd headed outside to break it down on the dance floor...

...Briar was chatting up a very attractive man at the bar

maybe it was the drinks or maybe they just really got along well, but Briar and the handsome stranger kept chatting as the sun set behind them

and they kept going late into the night. Briar just loved how smart the sim was, he was witty and charming, not to mention he loveed to compliment her and she loved to be complimented

and he was apparently totally chill with Briar constantly taking photos of herself which was a huge plus for her

They just had this crazy connection and coupled with her slight buzz, Briar couldn't help herself. She took her chance.

and under the stars that night Briar had her first kiss.

 With a sim who's name she didn't even know

and then they uh...well they might have wandered upstairs to have some ermm...fun in the closet

hey what can I say she takes after her mom...actually now that I think about it, probably her dad too on that note LOL

anyways on to yet another birthday saga as the twins toddlerhood flew by. Sorry for the lack of content but its like a full time job trying to follow all the rest of these fools around

we invited all the family and friends so naturally Jax, Briar's best buddy from childhood was there. The transition to teens had done nothing to dull their connection and the pair spent the party joking around as usual

the rest of the extended fam was there as well and I think that Hannah was hiding out somewhere in the back but I can't find any photos of her oops

first up was Bryn, who is just the cutest ! Ah I will miss our toddlers :(

tornado spinny time lets gooooooo

and here she is looking very snazzy with her little buns. She also got the hot-headed trait and the active kid aspiration, I think its to like climb a hundred jungle gyms or smth stupid like that

next up is Blythe ! who omgee has on like the cutest little fairy cowgirl outfit. 

and after a whole lot of sparkles, she aged up into a very grumpy lookin kid. Although still very cute I must add. And she got the trait cheerful and the social butterfly aspiration (at least that's what I think it's called)

now LISTEN UP !! literally immediately after the party was over, we evacuated the house becauseeeeeeeeeeeee *drumroll*

something big is happening 

that's right, after all our scrimping and saving we could finally afford a brand new huge home for our legacy ! 

and everything is completely hand-built by yours truly 

so here is your complimentary tour of a couple select rooms, starting with the living room

don't get too excited though bc I kinda ran out of money a little bit, so uhhhh no landscaping and not all the rooms are furnished but on to the tour !

here's the kitchen and dining room

entryway looking into kitchen / dining room

the twins very colorful bedroom

Briar's room

poolhouse hangout, etc

anyways you get the picture and all the simmies were appropriately excited and ran in to check out their new place

Ayoze was especially excited about the new gym

while Byrd and Briar immediately took full advantage of the mega-screen tv and attached gaming console

Alabama for one was more excited about the whole kitchen makeover including a fancy-dancy waffle maker and pizza oven

but enough about the house because for the second time this chapter, its the first day of high school !

aaaand Briar already looks totally annoyed with this guy sticking his arm through her body, which I mean......fair 

Very cute small interlude of Bryd mackin on his girlfriend ;D

She sped off to decorate her locker with lots of trendy posters and most importantly, PINK. The aesthetics of her locker were very important for making sure that everyone knew she was very cool and very fashionable, obviously

with her territory sufficiently marked, Briar set off to meet her classmates and make some friends

and uh....tpose ? Hey, I guess when the badboy redhead dares you to do something, you do it 

so basically the day was going great. Briar strutted into first period, her whole body basically buzzing with excitement. New classes, new (and old) friends and she was totally ready to crush it

and that was she looked up and saw....him

oh my god...OH MY GOD

it was the guy from the bar, the guy from the bar was her teacher ?!?

Briar couldn't believe it, she'd totally hooked up with her teacher. I mean, she knew he was older, but she hadn't expected to see him bright and early the next morning teaching calc (or whatever the sims version of math is)

jeez, this was gonna make office hours totally awkward

The day passed in agonizing slowness, Briar couldn't even focus on socializing during lunch

Thankfully, Byrd was there to take her mind off of things, although he noticed that his sister was much less talkative than normal and even when he pushed, she wouldn't say why

for some odd reason, when class was back in session that afternoon, Briar sat right in the front row. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that he'd ignored her all morning, maybe it was just self-destructive, but for some reason she wanted him to see her, acknowledge that something had happened between them

But besides this totally pitiful look, he made no sign that he did

Briar had hoped after-school cheer practice would take her mind off the situation but she arrived home still ruminating

There was only one thing left to do; focus all of her energy on her fashion empire ! 

she designed uggo outfits and modeled them all over Trendi, her followers climbing into the thousands

soon she was shipping clothes all over the US (United Sims), there was no rest for a mogul of Briar's status !

Also erm, slight side note, I think the Trendi site is highkey broken considering she ended up making more money than her mom in a week 0_0

besides Briar, the whole fam was settling in nicely to the new place and all of the amenities provided

with all the new space, they could even all hang out in the mornings before school/work

and courtesy of her brand spankin' new pizza oven, Bama got to cook them all delicious homemade pizzas 

A pizza-a pie-a *Italian hand motion*

which uhhhhh didn't always go to plan

someone get out a frickin fire extinguisher for plumbobs sake !!!!

ah yeaaa that's more like it

sexy firefighter Ayoze to save the day *smolder*

and in less dangerous news, Bryn and Blythe were loving the treehouse which they took over from their older sibs. They spent most of their free time out there playing together

and Bama was getting acquainted with the pool and a naaaaaaaaasty sunburn LOL

yea she was NOT pleased about that development but ah self-absorbed sims what can ya do about em ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

and luckily for her the entire family was about to get out of the sun for a little bit....

on a family vacation to Mt. Komorebi !!!!! 

again, haven't spent a lot of time with Sims 4 for the past several years so this was a totally new holiday experience for me and my sims and wowwie wow this world is freakin gorg

the whole fam ran off to get into all of the fun wintery activities that Komorebi offers

while the older members of the family set off for the big ski hill, Bryn and Blythe headed off to sled down the tamer bunny hill. There's really not much to say here sooooooo

*cue montage*

wahooooo !!!!

lol I think maybe Blythe isn't enjoying this as much as Bryn XD

now all of our simmies were having a wonderful time, but Byrd was absolutely thriving out on the snow. If you remember from last chapter, his aspiration is basically to master every snowy sport so this trip had been a long time coming

So yeah, he was carving up that fresh pow bro ! Sending those tricks on the slopes uh broski ? 

Yeah ok fine, I don't ski, I don't know the lingo lmao 

But I do know one thing, sometimes you send those tricks and sometimes they send you, which was a lesson that all of our sims were learning out there

don't fall girl ! *snickers*

the next couple days of vacation passed in a flurry of activities

Byrd and his dad did some daring rockwall climbing

and took some prettttty nasty falls, good things concussions and broken bones aren't a thing in this game hahaha

Meanwhile the girls were busy making adorable snowmen outside their rental

oh yes very distinguished gentlemen

the fam also made time to go on a gorgeous scenic walk 

(Ignore Bama on her phone, she has that stupid addicted celeb perk and I can't get her off of it)

they also had many a very cute and traditional hot-pot dinner

as I've said before, Bama's spice tolerance is not what it could be LOL.

She's just like me fr *wipes tear*

and a very very brief distraction here but oh my plumbob, Byrd has been struggling with the breakouts. His whole face is just covered with spots at this point :(

sadly the last day of the trip was consumed by a raging blizzard so there was no skiing or anything of the sort. I mean I tried to send them out anyways but they just kept running back inside *sigh*

instead, the whole fam took a trip to the hot springs. If they couldn't be on the mountain, at the very least they would be relaxed, damnit !

and later that afternoon they headed down to the local festival to try out the food and such. For some weird reason it was totally sunny down there, which I guess makes sense because they're not on the mountain but still grrrrrrrrrrr

It was still cold tho, evidenced by Ayoze almost freezing to death. Yeah, that was my bad, bad overlord moment guys

And with that, the Alphabet's vacation was coming to a close and so is this chapter ! 

We'll return next time with the fam all back at home and I'm sure even more chaos ensuing. So meet me next time here at the Alphabet Alphabetacy. Sul sul !