**Author's Note**
Hi all, sorry for the looooooong delay in posting anything on here. I got really busy with life and my game started to get a bit buggy and frustrating. Long story short, I hope to be posting more soon and I can't wait to hear back from you all :)
Without further ado welcome back to the Star legacy...oooor what has colloquially become known as my personal sim hell ! Yes, the household has become quite full and with a lot of *ahem* demanding personalities such as Rain here.
I immediately got Bella to work teaching Rain all the necessary skills for sim-life.
Although she wasn't always the easiest kid to take care of.
Like....at all.
And as it turns out the family is only about to get larger.
Alas, Bella had no time to tell Grayson that he was about to become a father for the second time as Grimmie showed up to nab Noodles :(
RIP Noodles, you will be missed. The rest of the household was noticeably upset for the next couple days as their last pet had passed on.
But the days in Simworld passed nonetheless. Nova did what she liked best and kept to herself....which apparently includes dancing in the dark at 3 in the morning but hey who I am to judge?
Ash pitched in with the care taking of Rain. Which speaking of....
**Cute Rain interlude**
EEEE look at her little face! She's definitely my fav toddler of this legacy so far :)
Whilst everyone else was off with their various activities, Zoe was working on a project herself.
That's right. The Stars are moving to DEL SOL VALLEY. It's rather fitting in my opinion as the Stars are celebrities in their own right as a legacy family.
Another angle because of how beautiful it is!! I actually downloaded this shell for the house off of the gallery because I wanted something cool with terrain but didn't want to do it myself, BUT I remodeled the entire inside for the Stars and added a backyard and basement ultravault space !
And what exactly might we need a vault for? Well, all of the Star legacy treasures especially now that Grayson has added his plunder.
Ash immediately headed to the backyard to try out the new basketball hoop,
While Nova got to work painting in her new bedroom/painting studio
There was a slight issue with Zoe and Grayson getting stuck in an ever-increasing circle of hot dog plates, but I freed them from their meaty prison soon enough
Before I knew it, Bella went into labor up in the nursery.
A few huffs and puffs later and out popped a little boy named Storm. And yes, his name is inspired by Grayson's childhood dog :) Here's hoping for black hair.
Later that day, a few of our famous neighbors popped by to say hello
Namely, Thorne Bailey, master of the *smolder*
Zoe for one FREAKED out. Oof, maybe time to get her away from the celebrities...
The next day, Ash brought home a friend from school, Joaquin.
...yeah don't ask me about the weirdly colored hair and eyebrows. Ever since Get Famous came out every single one of my townies has an unnatural hair color its bizarre yet hilarious.
They had a few laughs...even as Nova looked shocked at them in the background. Hey now, that's not very nice!
Later the boys took their 'study sesh' downstairs with no one around to bother them,
And that's when Ash made his move.
Ah yes, young infatuation there's nothing quite like it. Ash felt something shift into place as he looked into Joaquin's eyes.
Later that night, the boys shared their first kiss together. It seemed like everything was going so perfectly, so right, that Ash knew he wanted to be with him. So he asked Joaquin to be his boyfriend,
And he said no.
His answer stung, but all Ash could do was fake a smile and show him the door.
Elsewhere in the house, our other teenager Nova continued to spend time in the nursery with her niece and nephew.
It makes sense because she has the childish trait but I swear every time I'm looking for Nova I find her playing with the children's toys.
Truthfully, Nova really likes to keep to herself and she doesn't have
many ok *any* friends. Ironically, her paintings have started to garner some fame and she's almost a 2-star celebrity despite never leaving the house.
That evening it was birthday time once again as Storm aged into a very cute toddler. I erm, guess I missed taking pictures of it or something because I have none >.< soz guys.
As soon as his youngest child was old enough to travel, Grayson booked a trip to somewhere he hadn't seen in a long time: Selvadorada !
Grayson rose with the sun the next day, setting off to finish his adventures that he'd started as a younger sim
He immediately ran into a patch of spiders, which probably wasn't the best omen
Yeah...because that tiny brush is going to dig out artifacts buddy
Back at home all of the Star children were bonding, the toddlers with playtime...
...while our teenagers headed to the local watering hole to see what trouble they could get into
Nova headed straight for the snack cart, avoiding the crowds of the bar like the loner she is.
Ash didn't suffer too much from the loss of his wing woman though
Actually he didn't suffer at all as you'd have it. Who could resist that face after all?
Other members of the household were not so lucky though, namely Grayson who was poisoned AGAIN. I swear it's a full-time job just keeping all the members of this family alive.
After a day and night of trekking he reached the Forbidden Temple once again
This time around, the traps were a lot easier to diffuse
And he got himself some nifty treasure too
Yey shiny things
I turn my attention away for ONE second and Grayson goes and gets himself turned into a skeleton. I swear...
Yeah, yeah. You're very cute as a skeleton we get it. Not the point.
Bahahaha ok actually I changed my mind, I love it
The spell was short lived and pretty soon Grayson was back to his normal human form and headed back to the vacation home
And here's a fun pic of Grayson and all of his goodies that he collected
As the trip was coming to a close, the Stars spent their last night hanging out at the local bar
Clearly there was a lot of *ahem* -necter- consumed by Nova
Our resident pretty boy was busy laying his charms on this... uh cowboy? Not sure I understand the attraction to this one, Ash
I think Indiana was as shocked as I was lol
Back at home, Grayson spun into adulthood with a very worried expression.
I uh, kinda forgot it was his birthday lol so no party or anything. I'm a bad overlord I know :l
Ah yes, it truly wouldn't be a Star legacy chapter without someone setting themselves on fire. Don't drink and cook, kids.
Never fear, Grayson was on hand with the trusty fire extinguisher to save his sister
Not that she was thankful
The next morning, the Stars were back at home in Del Sol Valley
Grayson immediately set to work on the clumps of dirt he'd acquired in Selvadorada
While the rest of the family settled back into normal life
That evening, it was birthday time again as Rain aged into a child...and which I managed not to get pictures of.
But here she is all childlike and such. I'm pretty psyched she inherited Harley's hair for one :)
Turns out that's not the only thing she inherited..
Oh how I lufs mean sims hehe. Y'see Rain is quite a little terror, but it's just so hilarious
She pretty much argues with anyone who crosses her path
Even poor Nova
Hehehehe....Uh I mean oh no, bad Rain
Elsewhere in the household, Grayson was playing with some of the artifacts from Selvadorada
Ahhhhh heeeelll yesssssss
That's right folks, the Stars now have their own personal skeletal house keeper.
We're well into summer at this point in my game so the next day, the entire family minus Storm headed to the park for a nice day out to celebrate fight day.
Nova fired up the grill, looking customarily moody
And lo and behold who would show up at the park but my simself in all her glory. Who I may add immediately began to argue with Ash
And then my attention was drawn to this commotion...
Yes, if you're wondering. That is indeed Grayson fist-fighting Queen Elsa of Arendelle. I nearly died of laughter when this happened haha
Bahah, is it just me or does he look like the concerned neighborhood dad?
Ash snuck away from the brawling to spend some quality time with his sister
It always makes me smile when my sim siblings get along
Moving on! Later that night, it was birthday time for Storm
It was a small event, just attended by his parents, as the rest of the buggers in this family couldn't be bothered to show up
But I gave his and Rain's room a sick makeover as a present ;)
I'd say that they enjoyed their new toys
And without further ado, here's Storm as a kiddo. He spun into the purple hair on his own and I'm actually kindof in love with it. Also he got the loves music trait
That night it was YET AGAIN another round of birthdays in the Star household.
Naturally, we threw a bash with the whole extended family to celebrate
Nova was the first to blow out the candles and move on into adulthood
All grown up and shes beautiful as always. She gained the Gloomy trait which surely is not going to help her moodiness
And then it was Ash's turn.. Hey Storm get out of there, ur blocking the birthday boy!
Ignoring Grayson's cow face... Welcome to adulthood Ash! He gained the Loves Outdoors trait
With all the birthdays done, the Stars got down to dancing
Even as an elder, Ayden can still get down
Nova took the opportunity to bond with her extended family
While our skeleton took it upon himself to entertain our guests hehe
I am fond of the skeleton humor EA I gotta admit
Rain for one was thoroughly disappointed in the performance and she made sure to let Mr. Bones know
I think she really may have gotten to him because he promptly went to the basement and set himself on fire
I wish I was kidding.
Naturally the entire family raced down to all stand in close proximity to the fire while Ash put Mr. Bones out
Well dear readers, here is where I will leave you on this chapter. If you enjoyed it leave a comment down below and I hope to be posting more soon. Check in next time to see more of the Stars!