kitties get out of the road!!!
And as for the rest of yous guys, come on in, make yourself at home and settle in for perhaps the most hectic chapter of the Stele legacy yet
now just to reorient ya, we left off with Sav and Fran making googly eyes at each other all over town, a habit which has continued into the present
aw don't they make just the cutest freaking couple tho
although neither is the smartest tack in the box because they cannot seem to keep their hands off of each other no matter the venue,
and erm other things...
now as you are well acquainted dear reader, Fran was a simcelebrity and so was Sav to some extent, so it shouldn't come as a surprise that sooner rather than later they were making headlines of all the most popular sims gossip blogs
I'd love to say the media was unfairly snoopy but like...they weren't exactly being subtle,
And as one thing always leads to another, Sav come home that night to discover that Zebulon had already found out what was happening
There was no sugar coating it, he'd known that Sav had been distant lately but no matter how much he loved her, cheating publicly was the last straw
He ended it with her in no uncertain terms,
and whether he was caught up in the anger or not, something in their relationship broke in that moment and it would never be the same
Sav spent the night on the couch, overthinking and mourning the end of a huge portion of her life
now heres where things get weird, neither Zeb nor Sav wanted anyone to move out or to disrupt life for the kids so they just...didn't lmao
the household kinda just continued in their weird routines,
the same time management that had deteriorated Sav and Zeb's relationship also ironically guaranteed that they didn't spend too much time together
but the really weird thing is that sometimes they just hung out together like old friends would, completely civil, even dare I say having a good time together
and hilariously, after that first night they even slept in bed together with no interference from yours truly
although I do think Sav was employing some...erm battle tactics
when not wrapped up in their own drama, our two parent sims had their hands full with their children
Orion in particular was a terror as a teenager with his love for making others miserable
and egging local neighborhood houses
where he always stuck around to witness his victims tantrums as well
which never failed to bring a smile to his dastardly face lol
run Orien runnnn !!!
yikes did not run fast enough...
well no one said the evil lifestyle was without risk *shrug*
not entirely sure that Zebulon shares that sentiment as he immediately let loose on Orien for yet another incident within just a couple days
can't say that Orien even cared that much LOL
elsewhere in the household, Silas has been making friends at school and went over to this girls house to do some homework, I think her name is Lucinda Nance
*checks notes*
yup, little Lucinda
they spent some time chatting and joking around
and pretty soon, Silas had made his first friend at school and was on his way to proper popularity,
wish I had a longer update for little Silas but childhood is spent mostly on school and skilling anyways and the teens were taking up most of my time LOL
speaking of, Jac's situationship and longtime friend, Donny had been blowing him off quite a bit recently,
the most recent incident being a date at the local discoteque
and even though he'd been blown off, Jac was never one to let a good time go to waste so he made a beeline straight for the bull
this fine sim in the background had been staring at Jac during the whole erm... performance lol
naturally Jac went up and said hi, they chatted for a while but the mans was quite a bit older and Jac was tired so soon he said goodbye and headed home
now back to the original topic at hand, although Jac was finding it hard to get Donny to come out with him, in all fairness he was keeping pretty strange hours with all the diving LOL
he's decently mid on the skill at this point and gets to go to pretty shark infested waters
poor guy even peed himself *snickers*
though no shark attacks at this point *knocks on wood*
aaaaand with all the drama, I totally forgot about Zeb's birthday oopsies
he ended up aging up outside with just Silas in his dinosaur costume to cheer him on lol
aw our first elder :(
he does look pretty spiffy tho lol
LMAO in perhaps the MOST predictable plot twist in the world, I spoke too soon about Jac's luck with the sharks
*realizing I've inadvertently gone titanic core*
I was like *mildly* freaking out at this point and may have been staring open mouthed at my computer, but Jac beat that shark UP sooooooooo
lets freakin goooo, yeah that's right sharkie, you mess with Stele you get the metel !!
with all their busy schedules, pretty much every Stele family member needed some R&R and I, their humble overlord, decided this was the perfect opportunity for a nice family outing
luckily enough, the very next day the perfect opportunity presented itself in the fall festival
they all got their faces painted, enjoyed the festival activities and overall had the best time,
but it wasn't long before Sav got a call and once again cut family time short
what call may you ask?
oh just a friendly bun that wanted to be eaten
too much ? too much
LOL moving on
but yes, Sav's infamous lover Fran had of course invited her out to a costume party and as we all know Sav can't exactly resist that call
anyways there was romance, they woohooed, it was all very predictable of the two of them so lets move on to less predictable members of the family shall we?
later that same night across town, Jac finally got Donny to come out for a date night at the fall festival
they competed in the pie eating festival
and erm... *snickers*
ok I can't even make jokes about this one, its too easy lmao
by all accounts, it was objectively a great evening for the two lovebirds.
So then why did Jac have such a dull time? The conversation wasn't flowing, the jokes weren't funny, they just weren't getting along like they used to
so even as Jac was driven away by the police car (stupid curfew ugh), he couldn't help but think they'd grown apart
omg exciting news everyone !!! KITTENS AHHH
meet mittens, boots, and socks !
the kittens are bringing much joy and cuteness to the household but it is CRAMPED in here now lemme tell you,
plus they're once again destroying all the furniture
it didn't help that the boys were constantly inviting over friends from school, in this instance, a stunning sim named Eve Earthsong that Orien had met in science lab
she was as mean-spirited as she was brilliant, as dastardly as she was beautiful and Orien was completely, deeply, head over heels in love with her.
I mean despite the fact he'd known her for less than 24 sim hours, but what a minor detail in the sim world
and the hopeless romantic gene must run in the family because predictably Sav was spending the afternoon on a date with Fran, who had also aged up into quite a fine looking elder if I do say so myself
jumpscare 0_0
now I'm sure you're thinking to yourself, this whole situation is confusing, Sav and Fran spend all of their time together but Fran is married and Sav still lives with her ex-husband, the father of her children who she doesn't hate so....
let me clear some stuff up for you!
life is weird and sims life is even weirder LOL, hope that clears it all up :)
in other news, it was approaching Silas' bday and in typical Stele fashion, we of course had to throw a dope party
all of the family and friends were invited to the local disco roller rink, a WIP by me personally lol
the place has a ton of fun activities which the guests made sure to take full advantage of
and ever since their study date, Orien had wanted to see Eve again so naturally she was invited
srsly tho he was rolling wishes to romance her in every capacity LOL
things were going great, fantastic even
and before Orien could even think about it, he kissed her
which uh yeah did NOT go super well *facepalm*
usually I'm better at predicting these things but guys, all signs were pointing to her liking him!!
now if we're being completely honest about Orien tho, the rejection did nothing to stifle his attraction towards Eve.
I mean sure, it stung a little but he knew the type of sim she was and he wasn't gonna give up so easily
I hate to leave our lovebirds on such rough terms but across the party, Jac was engaging in his own fatal attraction
he felt a crazy pull to from across the party, almost like his mind was being controlled, whispered to
like some sort of siren call
He followed it, feet floating under him, in an unbreakable trance. That was until he turned a corner and finally saw him
The sim was handsome with dark hair and bright eyes. His skin glistened with an other worldly sheen and even from the end of the hallway, Jac could smell the overwhelming scent of ocean spray and strangely, sunlight.
Jac couldn't help himself, he approached the stranger and the sim introduced himself as Llyr Campos
Llyr had a voice unlike anything Jac had ever heard, he was intoxicated, entranced, obsessed
He couldn't help himself from wanting to spend more time with his new acquaintance
and as the night got later and curfew approached, Jac asked Llyr for a way to contact him but all the sim would say is that they would see each other again soon.
Jac didn't know if it was just the juice from earlier that made the sims statement sound weird but he dismissed it all the same
ok I totally messed up!!!
I admit it ok, I didn't time the party right so Silas ended up having to blow his candles out at home with just the family present
but regardless ! he did age up !!
and AHHHHH the genes of this generation are crazy I'm obsessed
He gained the avant garde trait which I am beyond pumped to play around with lol
also we had a little bit of money floating around so I got Zebulon his own bed lol
updated bedroom for the teens
and some new fishies !!
I think as you can see, the house was definitely getting a little cramped and a remodel is v much in order but I'm still saving up the simoleans so patience !!
ok I know its just pixels
don't cry, don't cry >.<
my game was just lagging a little too much okkkkk, so yes I'll just admit it we gave little socks up for adoption, he will have a wonderful sim cat life just not in our casa
ok not to be callous, but onto more interesting details,
Silas met this super cute nice sim named Gigi Shue his first day of school and of course invited her over to study
They had a great -- no scratch that -- an amazing time together. She was into art but not the status quo and they had so much in common
I will say they definitely hit it off a little, especially with the way both of them were cheesin lmao

the party guests busied themselves with scarfing down the cake but it was only about 2 seconds before it was Sav's turn to blow out the candles
our legacy founder looking fab as always, always makes me a little sad when the founder in particular hits elderhood *cry*
she looked a little scared staring down elderhood
but she's still a baddie
and look at our cute twinkly lights for the holiday season !
the next morning was Jac's graduation and everyone happily attended the ceremony at city hall
and still donned in his cap and gown, Jac made everyone some waffles for breakfast in celebration
Now, ever since his turn into adulthood, Jac has completely dedicated himself to his diving
he even went down to the town hall and registered as an independent diver
and hilariously, Jac was actually probably earning the most out of all the adults in the household right now. The diving spots came with quite a bit of treasure which he made sure to take full advantage of,
not to mention all of his rare finds on the bottom of the ocean
sadly the placed caves were a little *glitchy* on these diving locations so Jac never gets to fully explore those but tbh I'm amazed at how well the lots do work lmao
also look at this hilarious little gnome guy that I found LOL
it was one fateful late afternoon at the end of a long dive that Jac saw him
the first thing Jac did was check his regulator, his air must be malfunctioning, he must be hallucinating, it couldn't be but...
Jac blinked, incapable of processing what he was seeing.
A bonafide mersim, I mean all the sims knew the rumors, his classmates in highschool had all claimed to have met one but Jac had never believed,
well... that is, until now.
Jac did the only thing he could think of and swam after the mersim, desperate to initiate a meeting
As he approached closer and the mersim turned to acknowledge him, Jac was even more shocked to realize that they already knew each other.
At the same moment, Llyr signed at him underwater, "didn't I tell you we'd meet again?"
Jac signed back a greeting at Llyr, a warm feeling bubbling up in his stomach that was very difficult to ignore and a smile settling onto his face that was very hard to suppress
(also no I don't know why Llyr's hair is weird and different in merman form I'm sorry guys ughhhh)
The two sims signed back and forth to each other, just chatting and joking until the water was dark and cold around them and Jac's regulator started to complain
Jac didn't want to leave Llyr's presence, it was just like it'd been at the club, entrancing, intoxicating, he would've ignored his regulator and stayed down in the dark forever to be by the sims side.
He begged the sim for a number, a simmail address, anything to contact him with but Llyr responded as he always had, they would see each other again.
And then Llyr left, swimming off into the dark.
Now alone in the cold deep, Jac hurried to the surface and towards home, wondering if the whole encounter had even been real
Elmer's birthday into an elder awwwww :(
just a day before her graceful age up, Sav had finished her very last case and finally reached level 10 of the investigator career !!!!
she got a fancy ceremony at the town hall, got to shake this guys hand
and they gave her a key to the city which I lowkey don't know how many times I've actually gotten in this game lol
and with that ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to the Stele's fancy new home, custom built by yours truly
Alright alright, hold the applause I’ll give you a tour
the place may be lacking in some furniture and decorations but the bones are good and the family finally has enough space to fit everyone *phew*
ah brand new big kitchen / dining room !!!
glimpse of Jac's room
peek of Sav's room toooo
garage ( with no cars yet lol )
anyways that's probably enough to visualize the space haha
the boys in particular were quite fond of the new flatscreen in their expanded and remodeled living room
also, no I have no idea why Jac is wearing his diving suit lmao and no I don't know how to stop him from doing it
now stop asking questions !
mittens bday omg
the timing of the house was perfect for the winter holiday and a gift-giving / house-warming party at the Stele's
You know the drill by now, yada yada everyone was invited.
And Eve was busy showcasing her lovely personality booing everyone lol
now you may be thinking, wow they really have not been getting along since the botched kiss, huh?
And you, my reader, would be WRONG
because to this pair, a good insult is just an appetizer
And with a full audience (srsly I do NOT know what is going on here lmaoooo)
Orien and Eve chatted and flirted the night away,
They bonded over their shared love for causing other sims pain and laughed at the other guests mercilessly.
It wasn't much, they didn't become official, they didn't even kiss. But after their last interaction, Orien would take pretty much anything, and around Eve he felt incredible, like he could be his evilest self
Alright guys, sudden screeching halt but this chapter has grown much too long so I hope you enjoyed it as per usual and check back next time for some more sims drama !!