hello lovelies and welcome back to another crazy chapter with the Alphabets!! whoop whoop
before we hop back in, you may have already realized that something here is a bit different...well that's because I'm playin on a brand spankin new monitor and the pics will be a little wider from here on out
anyways we left off last time with the fam newly back from their super-mega-awesome snowy vacation in Mt. Komorebi and now they're all settling back into normal sim life
pretty much the second we got back, Asparagus aged up into an elder :((
so frickin sad, I hate my sims pets getting older gahhhhh
we also didn't get to see too much of the twins last chapter but they're adjusting quite nicely to their awesome new bedroom, courtesy of their supreme overlord
and with childhood comes lots of fun new activities and of course the time for some skillin !!
Blythe got to work right away plunkin her heart out on the grand piano in the foyer. And after all the simoleans we spent on that thing, its good to see someone is using it
although like most of us who've tried to play an instrument, she was suffering LOL
Bryn on the other hand had turned into quite a feisty little trickster and was never happier than when she was playing pranks on the rest of the family
she was also quite a fitness buff and loved to spend time hanging out in the pool with her parents. Ahhhh to be a spoiled sim child with a mansion and a pool *wistful look*
anyways, the twins aren't the only ones with changes as the day after they got back, it was Ayoze's bday and passage into elderhood
of course, we had to throw a big bash to celebrate the first sim in this legacy to become all old and wrinkly *sob* so all of the extended family was invited
oh yeah one last good pump in before you lose all that sexy muscle mass buddy
but all in all, everyone had a wonderful time, actually maybe too good because they were all so distracted with eating i might've uh accidentally invited them all to meal right before that poor Ayoze didn't get a lot of attention while blowing out his candles
yea oops
sparkly sparkly!!
ahhh elderhood doesn't feel so good does it bud
but he still looks pretty good even though hes all properly old and wrinkly
I think aging must have made him a bit sentimental becuase he basically spent the rest of the party going around hugging all his kids
overall, it was another bday party for the books, EXCEPT for the fact that this stupid papparazzi made it into the house and was taking pics of Bama dancing in her own kitchen *facepalm*
doesn't anyone have any decency anymore huh
poor rich Bama was forced to resort to undignified manners to kick him out lol
doing our best to forget this very traumatic event, we rejoin Briar the next morning. She was back in high school and exactly where she'd left off: doing her best to ignore the fact that she couldn't stop thinking about her teacher
which was difficult since this is sims 4 and he was always being a right weirdo around the school
sorry, *end of fourth wall break*
anyways, Briar spent most of her time with Jax and the rest of her very popular posse
but despite her best efforts, she couldn't quite keep herself away from Mr. Billings. It didn't help that she had to see him all day everyday and it seemed like no matter where she went in the high school, he was just around the corner
and so as these things do, the affair started slowly. First it was just some extra math explanations after class, but that quickly turned into real conversations.
They started to spend hours after school together with Briar completely blowing off cheer practice
then one afternoon, Christopher suggested they go over to the local boba shop instead to work on some homework
and pretty soon, that had replaced their study sessions in the halls. Briar couldn't stop thinking about him, she loved the fact that he was older and wiser, and he made her feel like such a grown up
yea she was real grown up all right...
but moving on since it can't always be about Briar in this household and that evening Byrd was finally aging up into a young adult yahoooooooo
we hosted a sweet party for him down at the Stargazer Lounge in San Myshuno. All of the fam was there and a bunch of friends from high school as well
and he wasted absolutely no time at all in blowing out the candles on his very fancy cake
lots of sparkles
and as anyone could've predicted he's a very fine young man indeed, and he got a nice makeover. He also gained the trait Loyal, which I think is very fitting
sorry for the zoom out, I didn't get a great one of him up close apparently
and look who's here but a newly aged up Hannah! After aging up, Byrd immediately ran over to schmooze with his long-term girlfriend
they broke out some super cute karaoke numbers together too
and as the night started to come to a close, Byrd couldn't wait any longer and so he asked Hannah to move in with them right then. Of course she happily said yes, such cuties
here's a preview of her little makeover as well. For a small intro, her traits are Dance Machine, Horse Lover, and Socially Awkward. Her aspiration is to be a Championship Rider, which I guess we'll do our best on but we don't have a lot of space for horsies rn
and to cap off the night, we got a sweet family photo of them all boogieing down on the balcony garden (minus Hannah that is)
after Byrd's age-up he really set his sights on what he wants out of life which of course meant hitting the gym
which meant he looked even finer putting out the fires from our pizza oven
rahhhhhhhhhhhh *smolder*
but as fine as he looked fighting fires, Byrd was actually training up for a much colder sport
and as his dutiful girlfriend, Hannah was always along for the ride as well. Hey I mean it isn't on horseback but it'll have to do for now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
and poor Hannah definitely wasn't always as good on the snow as Byrd was hehehee. Can you spot the wipeout in this pic?
yeaaaaaah now that they were young adults, neither of them got a job or seemed to have any interest in getting one. So they've defaulted to spending all of their time facking off all day enjoying the eternal winter of Mt. Komorebi
and because our household is literally full at this point, that evening it was again time for Briar and Bryn's bdays
I think the household was a little burnt out on parties so it was just the close fam this time around
Bryn was up to blow out the candles first
and here is the gorgeous gal all made over. Oooh la la the genes in this family have been immaculate this generation, fingers crossed we keep it up!
She gained the hot-headed trait and her aspiration is Chief of Mischief mwahahahaha
next up is Blythe
sparkly dance #2
and here she is, what a STUNNA
yeah I think we're gonna have a lot of fun with these two. She gained the trait Music Lover and her aspiration is Musical Genius
of course their room also got a brand new makeover to make it a little more suitable for teens
newly aged up, Bryn immediately took to the workout room just like her daddio
someone play RUN by awol
I mean Ayoze was maaaaybeeee runnin on the treadmill a little much for an elder but who am I to say
Blythe immediately went back to working on her piano skills which were slowly coming along, although I'm not sure she'll ever be the next Mozart. Maybe the next Taylor Swift or smth
Hannah seemed to be a big fan tho as she was always standing around watching Blythe practice
good thing there was no party either because pretty much as soon as they'd aged up, the entire family had to set out for Byrd and Hannah's high school graduation
as goes tradition, Alabama almost immediately fell asleep on the bench outside
but the rest of the family had a wonderful time supporting the new grads. Also get ready to enjoy a very cute selfie montage of our two lovebirds
I think these guys really are the sweetest couple I've had for a long time in game since my penchant for drama usually takes over. But these two are too cute to break up!
also we got a neat little photo of Byrd in his robes !!
I'm not the biggest fan of High School Years overall but I have to admit these little details are pretty sweet
the ceremony did like totally glitch out though and I didn't get any actual pics of them receiving their diplomas :((
super lameee, but they had a good end to the night anways, if you uh...know what I mean
I know I just said that everything couldn't always be about Briar but too bad!
Because Briar had been absolutely living it up as queen bee. Everything seemed to be going her way, she spent all day everyday with her besties and she had a hot older man on the side
she was definitely failing some classes but hey, she had to spend lots of time perfecting her cheer routine
and all her hard work paid off because she was always at the front of the cheer squad at every single pep rally
yes everything was on the up-and-up for Briar, she even went to prom with Jaxton, strictly as friends of course! ...although I'm not sure if anyone told Jax about that crucial detail
they had a super fun time together, especially playing around in the photobooth
although I couldn't help but notice someone in the background seemingly staring at Briar the whole night
aaaand Briar even won Jester LOL
I was kinda expecting her to win prom royalty being so popular and all but I guess this works too whatever ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
after prom, her and the gang headed down to the pier for a little after party
but her and Jax barely had the time to go on one ride before a huge thunderstorm started up
LOL I was laughing pretty hard at them all running in panic all over the pier from the thunder but I figured we didn't need any roasted sims so it was time to head on home
and as Briar trudged along in her little dunce cap, everything seemed so normal on the outside that you'd think maybe she had finally wised up and was focusing on normal teenager life
but of course she hadn't.
No, things had only escalated with Christopher. They were spending quite a lot of time together outside of school, they'd even started going to bars on the weekend. Although they made a point to only go to ones in different cities so hopefully no one would spot them
but uhhh....they weren't exactly subtle about it
geez lovestruck sure came with some interesting dance moves huh
it was really only a matter of time before one thing led to another and Briar ended up back at his place
Briar had never gone this far with another sim before, she knew if anyone found out this would be beyond plausible deniability, he'd probably lose his job. But this wasn't about rules, it was about true love!! Even if yanno, he hadn't said it yet
so it shouldn't have been surprising that when he suggested taking things to the next level, Briar didn't need very much convincing
it takes two to woohoo after all
the next day, Summerfest had rolled into town so I dutifully put some more features in the backyard for a proper pool party
the crew got busy doing what they do best: throwing sick parties. Bama here fired up the grill so they could serve up some bbq classics
and eventually all the guests filed in for a day of fun in the sun
the whole crew had lots of fun dancing
and everyone hanging out around the pool
even Asparagus got in on the fun, doggy-paddlin all around
and with adulthood just a couple days away, Briar decided to throw caution to the wind and invited her soon-to-boyfriend to the party too
it was maybe a little weird that one of the local high school teachers was there, but no one said anything
it might've had something to do with the fact that the party was absolutely bumpin and everyone was busy drinking out by the pool
which also made it the perfect opportunity for Briar and her beau to sneak off to her bedroom
and have a little er...fun ;)
after their little tryst, Briar snuck out to rejoin the party but little did she know that someone had been waiting for her. Someone who was tired of watching her with a man twice her age who she didn't belong with
Jaxton couldn't believe she'd actually gotten involved with their teacher and before she'd even turned around, he was yelling at her
Briar was shocked, she had no idea where this was all was coming from, why he was getting upset with her over this. Jaxton had always been her best friend, of anyone she thought he'd understand and support her.
So she yelled back at him
and the two got into their first real fight, each one bringing up slights from the past thought to be long forgotten. Briar didn't even know why he was doing this, how she'd gotten to the point of screaming at her best friend since elementary
and then, like it was some kind of sick dream, Jaxton screamed at Briar something she never thought she would hear. She wanted to tell him to stop but before she could even react, the words were out of his mouth.
He was in love with her
she had no idea what to say. but before she could say anything, Jax leaned in and kissed her.
the kiss lasted longer than it should have, neither one of them breaking it. Finally, it ended and Briar just stared at him
then without a word, she turned and walked away
meanwhile our other sweeter couple were having a little rendezvous in the treehouse out in the backyard
when all of a sudden, Hannah heard someone crying rather loudly. She immediately went to investigate, happening upon Briar having a total menty b out by the pool house
Briar had no one else to turn to, anywhere to go. Her parents would be disappointed, her siblings wouldn't understand, and she couldn't tell any of her friends at school or the administration might find out. So when Hannah found her, Briar broke down and told her everything.
She didn't want to lose her best friend, she couldn't lose him. But she also couldn't be what he wanted from her. Christopher was her soulmate, she just had to wait until she aged up and then they'd be together forever
Hannah was in shock, I mean, after all, Mr. Billings had been her teacher throughout high school too. She had no idea what to say, but she comforted Briar as best she could. They'd never really interacted before, but in that moment, Briar felt better just knowing that someone else was supporting her
also side note!! because I almost screamed when I saw that sims can cuddle now when they sleep !!!! ahhhhhh I've wanted this for so long, its so cuteeeeeeee

but continuing on, after the blowout at Summerfest, Briar needed some rest and relaxation and for the weekend at least, the household was remarkably peaceful
she played some football with Byrd
Blythe spent some time in the gym
while Bryn was bonding with Asparagus
but on Monday, all our teens had to head back to school and the realities of life. And while it was Bryn and Blythe's first day of school, it was Briar's last
the twins immediately grabbed some lockers and decorated them
and Blythe was immediately charming all of the guys at school, just like we knew she would
and all our gals were in the same classroom for the first and last time. Smile !!
and while Blythe was busy spending her time socializing (remember Marco, Byrd's best friend who I guess was a bit younger than him...I did not realize that LOL)
Bryn, on the other hand, was busy pranking all of the plumbing in the school
LMAO she looks properly proud of herself huh
but never fear, Bryn was also making friends her first day
although she had a uh..interesting way of going about it
hey I mean if it works, it works, who am I to judge. And these two were absolutely crackin up at all of Bryn's pranks
that night after school, it was finally time for Briar's bday. It's felt like this has been coming for a long LONG time
all of Briar's friends from school were invited, even including Jax. Things had been super awkward between them lately and they didn't speak much at the party but Briar wanted him there anyways. Eventually things had to go back to normal right? ...right?
Regardless of her current social issues, Briar and her beau spent the party drinking and partying in the pool shed with Byrd and Hannah
they played some killa games of beer pong, all of them getting progressively drunker as the night wore on, but hey what else are parties for?
but something drew my attention away from when all of a sudden my camera was flung across the screen....
and I saw these two horny bozos coming out of the treehouse
oh....oh no
see guys, this is why we can't have nice things *facepalm*
i knew he was working out on that plumbobbin treadmill TOO MUCH avnjdfsanvjdfoag
that...looks uncomfortable
RIP Ayoze, you'll be dearly missed
worst. birthday. party. ever.
oh and to make matters worse, two of our guests got into an actual fist-fight before Ayoze's body was even cold
yeaaaaaaa, Briar was soooooo not a happy camper about that development
the party fizzled out pretty quickly after that...nothing like death to clear out a function huh
and at the exact stroke of midnight, Briar went to the kitchen to blow out her candles and celebrate her birthday all alone
sparkly wooo, you know the drill by now
and here she is with a more mature makeover and WOWZA
the age up really did wonders as all her teenage gangliness melted away.
grieving the only father she'd ever known, Briar retreated back to her room waking up Christopher who had been fast asleep. She desperately needed comfort from the only person she had left, and she knew that he would give it to her
on that note lovelies, I believe we have come to the end of this chapter. I hope you enjoyed your time with the Alphabets, tune in next time for even more craziness !!