Speaking of.... meet generation two of the Star family: Noelle, Alivia, and Zoe
Luckily, she managed to enlist some help from her good friend Farrah.
Which I guess to Joslyn meant she could bugger off to watch TV while her friend took care of her children -_-
Joslyn proceeded to let loose.
Very loose... Uh. Maybe it's time to go home now.
Before long, it was time for the triplets birthday. Let's have a look at them all made over and such why don't we?
This here is Noelle who gained the trait Independent
Zoe with the Clingy trait
And Alivia with the Wild trait.
Joslyn had saved up a meager amount of money at this point so the triplets even got their own backyard playground :)
And with the trips somewhat able to care for themselves, Joslyn retreated back to her painting.
Not to say that she wasn't a doting mother because she absolutely was.
Oh come on! It's a slide you're supposed to be having fun!
That's better.
Even as the tots were getting into ALL kinds of trouble. I don't think I ever saw Joslyn get mad despite the fact that she had the hot-headed trait.
If she ever needed a break, she'd just retreat to her easel, leaving the kids to their own devices for a while.
Which yanno maybe wasn't always the best idea.....
But the girls could always cheer each other up. See in most of my families the kids have a hard time getting along but the girls had already formed such great friendships it made me really happy :)
Stop trying to escape the family photos Zoe!!
And as the family at this point was barely making any money, a good amount of family bonding was done in the bathroom as everyone did their business. Yummy.
But really, the majority of the girls days were spent skilling.
To nom or not to nom, that is the question.
Although I've gotta be honest. At this point every room in our house was a freakin nightmare, but no one really had time to attend to it, so I just had to deal with the negative moodlets.
Elsewhere in the house we had a stinky naked toddler on the loose
Who apparently decided that flashing the neighborhood was the best course of action...
Ah yes, a naked romp in the ball pit, the perfect start to any day.
But not all the children in the Star household were as exhibitionist as Alivia. In fact, Zoe and Noelle were happiest just being goofballs with each other. It's an interesting mix seeing as Zoe is clingy and Noelle is Independent but somehow it works.
And then something weird happened....
Yeah at some point, I noticed that Liam was hanging out at the house.
And the bugger would not leave! I finally had to use a cheat to send him home, after he was in the house for over three days.
First up was Noelle.
Awh. Rather cute in my opinion. And she gained the Loner trait
Next was Alivia...
And we're already into the moody phase aren't we, miss Noelle.
Alivia gained the Active trait.
And last up Zoe.
Who gained the Good trait.
Now why don't we take a look at the lot all made over.

And with the triplets transition into childhood, I bid you adieu until next time dear readers.