welcome back all to another wild chapter of the Alphabets and all of their antics
we left off last time with a bunch of bdays, including our lovely Briar who finally aged up into an adult and, very sadly, our poor Ayoze meeting an early end *tear*
his death had left the entire household in a bit of a tizzy as our sims were grieving their late father/husband
some in more violent ways than others
*side eye*
yea so pretty fackin somber start to the chapter but alas, it was funeral time for Ayoze and hopefully an opportunity for our simmies to find some closure. Or at least stop having breakdowns all over the house...
oh and look who showed up for the funeral but the man himself ! I was a little shocked to see him floating there ngl, but I guess the more the merrier ?
the funeral itself was quite a sad affair, as they usually are
(also side note but ignore those ugly random outfits they're wearing, I have no idea why they showed up like that 🙄)
Alabama took charge as the matriarch and gave a very somber speech about the beautiful simulated life that they'd shared together
dang she looked so sad that it almost started to get me a little *wipes tear*
stop looking at me ok I'm mourning !
and for her final goodbye, Bama poured out one last drink for her husband in memory of all the rockin parties they'd shared together
then all of Ayoze's family filtered outside to lay him to rest as Byrd gave one last goodbye speech
RIP Ayoze Alphabet, you were a good and loyal sim. The legacy won't be the same without you buddy
gah and Bama is so frickin heartbroken she refused to even leave the cemetery and instead laid down next to her husbands grave to sleep :((
and when she finally awoke, proceeded to have an absolute meltdown, which....I mean, valid of her. She did just lose the love of her life so I can't blame the girl much
unfortunately the funeral had done very little to help the rest of the household's grief either so our household basically turned into a who-can-weep-the-most competition for a while
not to mention some of our more *ahem* evil-minded sims were thoroughly enjoying the rest of the household's misery
yeah I'm talking to you, missy *disappointed glare*
stop maniacally laughing at your sister-in-law !
but as death is inevitable (at least when you have aging on) then so is life and almost immediately after the funeral, my screen was tugged across the household to center on Briar
who was just finding out that she was preggers !
I know this might seem like a very sad roadblock for Briar, but in her mind this was exactly what she'd been waiting for to solidify her relationship with Christopher. And after her 'father's' death, it felt like some sort of sign that she'd be bringing another life into the world
Naturally, Briar dropped everything she was doing to rush over to Chris' and tell him the good news. She knew he would be so excited and now that she was an adult and they were having a baby together, they could finally bring their relationship out into the open and officially be together
Briar was almost shaking with excitement as she greeted him trying to contain her good news
and before he could say a single word, Briar blurted it out
but his reaction was nothing like what she'd imagined it would be. He didn't look happy, he didn't shout in joy.
No, he just gawked at her, completely speechless
and then his face changed into something Briar had never seen before
he totally lost it and started to scream at her, telling Briar just how little she meant to him, how absolutely delusional she was, and that he wanted nothing to do with her and her bastard child
Briar reeled back, completely shocked at his reaction and everything he was saying to her. She could almost feel her heart-breaking in real time as the sim she thought was her soul mate cursed at her and completely decimated all the love she had for him
and in that moment, Briar became unreasonably and rightfully pissed. She told Christopher exactly where he could stick it and that he was lucky she wasn't going to tell the administration about their relationship (or his wife for that matter...yeah yeah my sims are all a bunch of homewreckers, get your complaints out now)
And with that, Briar ran from his apartment, knowing in that moment that she would never see Christopher again. He had just been ejected from her life permanently.
And then a much scarier thought sunk in: she was about to be a single mother
in much happier parts of the household, Byrd and Hannah were off on their typical adventures in Mt. Komorebi
ah yes, our two lovebirds were absolutely livin it up, spending their days snowboarding and sledding together
they even spent some time going on walks through the breathtaking scenery of the mountains
but on this particular occasion, Byrd had something veeerrryyyyyy special planned
Byrd got down on one knee and asked Hannah to marry him and spend the rest of their lives skiing the rad slopes together
and duh, the lovely lady said yes
ah who could resist a goofy pair like these two ey? They truly were smitten with each other and maybe the only proof of true love in my sim world
when Byrd got home, he immediately found Briar (who was wearing the most godawful outfit I have every fackin seen. Seriously, EA whoever designed this fashion disaster has it coming)
all Byrd wanted to was tell her about his engagement but before he could say a word, his sister made a face like she was about to cry and told him that she really needed anther sim right now.
Then she confessed her secret to Byrd: she was pregnant and the father wasn't going to be in the picture
Byrd didn't need even a second to think about it, he was absolutely undeniably thrilled to be an uncle. He loved Briar and would do anything he could to help his favorite sister, which was exactly what he told her.
Briar could barely breathe, she was so relieved at his reaction, it was exactly what she'd needed after her disastrous meeting with he-who-shall-not-be-named
and barely able to contain his own good news, Byrd told his sister all about his engagement and then he asked her to be his best sim at the ceremony
which Briar was suitably excited about and accepted on the spot
Byrd also wasted no time in telling his mom, who was just as thrilled for her only son. In Bama's opinion, a happy wedding was just what the family needed right now
and speaking of confessing big life events to their mom...
Byrd's reaction had given Briar the confidence she needed to tell her mom that she was pregnant and about to be a single parent to boot. I mean so what if her baby daddy was a dirtbag, she had her family and that's all she really needed
and Bama was pretty much as excited as sim could possibly be about the news
with her family (or at least the ones who mattered LMAO) fully supporting her, and the fact that sim pregnancy lasts about as long as a sneeze, that afternoon we threw Briar the cutest little baby shower !
a bunch of her friends from high school were invited for the shindig along with our regular party participants
everyone had a most wondrous time, especially Briar as all the guests were congratulating her on her pregnancy and she looooovessss to be praised
there was also plenty of top-notch food to go around as Bama had been non-stop cooking her grief away for days
since this was a baby shower, our gal also got plenty of presents and receiving gifts is a close second if not equal to being complimented in Briar's book. This was the best party she'd ever been to !
good thing she was in such a good mood because that was when Jaxton showed up to the shindig. Briar had sent him an invite for the baby shower but she'd never actually expected that he would show up
It felt like an eternity passed while the two stared at each other before Briar had pulled him into a tight hug. She'd missed him so much and in that moment, everything between them was forgiven
They spent the rest of the party joking around like they'd never had a fight in the first place
Jax even felt up her tummy when the baby was kicking.
for the first time in a long time, it felt almost like everything was back to normal between them and Briar couldn't have been happier about the turn of events
the morning after the party, we are once again back in highschool with our younger kiddos.
Oh yeah...about the pic....I've erm been messing around quite a bit with MC Dresser so now all the townies are starting to dress identically LOL. Fear not I am currently in the midst of fixing it but please ignore the fact that there may be a lot of matching outfits in public places for a bit
and while the twins high school experience has not been as eventful as say, Briar's, we did have a fire drill one day which I haven't seen before
alas, I don't mean to imply all is boring with our gals because Bryn in particular is an absolute fackin menace and pranks the plumbob out of everyone around her
oh and not just people, the whiteboards HATE to see our girl comin
alright alright, stop looking so proud of yourself its not that funny
and her reign of terror doesn't stop at school. Oh no, the plumbing at home isn't safe in the slightest either
which ends up resulting in some unfortunate victims *snickers*
oh poor Hannah, moved in with her soulmate just to have toilets explode all over her
funnily enough, as cruel as she is to people, Bryn has a real attachment going on with Asparagus
She just prefers to hang out with her fav doggo than most other people, and shes way sweeter to her than I've ever seen her to be to another sim (well ok maybe except her twin, good point)
Blythe, on the other hand, was still spending most of her time tickling the ol' ivories, whether at home or at school. Lowkey I feel like her skill is not progressing super fast but she likes piano so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
and like any great tortured musician, Blythe made sure to keep well hydrated :D
yea, in all seriousness, maybe keeping a bar right out in the living room wasn't the best of choices from their overlord but what can ya do about it ?
and just to nicely round out our tour through the sims we haven't checked in with in a while, Bama has only really been taking a couple roles here and there
her bday is just around the corner and she's pretty much maxed out the actress career at this point so there's very little for her to do but take a part here or there and collect a fat check
and speaking of her imminent age-up, that evening the family gathered for a little party to see their mom off into elderhood
annnnnd welcome to the last phase of life, Alabama Alphabet
our matriarch also got a very age-friendly makeover complimentary for her bday
immediately after her age-up, Bama headed down to the very exclusive Studio PBP for the latest Starlight Accolades Awards
*and the crowd goes mildddddd*
where she didn't win a single thing GAH
Bama took the opportunity to drown her sorrows in a glass of her favorite plum wine. It really does suck because winning an acolade was like one of the very last things on her aspiration list to do and she never got one in her whole career :(
our household is maaaybe a little full at this point so later that same evening, the gang and all its associates set out for a fancy new club down in San Myshuno for a joint Bach party wooooOOOoooOoo
also who ended up DJing but the ghost of my SIMSELF 0_0
I'll give her this, she was rockin the house down but damn, it's hard to look your dead self in the eye
but besides that weird little detail, the whole gang had a great night shimmying the night away in proper sims fashion
and they had some quite er, interesting dance moves
Briar also decided to spend a good portion of the night just staring longingly at Jax, who had secured his place back in the crew after her baby shower.
Yeaaaaaaa, I'm suuuuuure there's nothing going on there LOL
it also couldn't have had anything to do with the copious amount of boozing going on
Marielle over here was double-fisting it the whole night, which I didn't even know sims could do. Looks just like me when I've had a terrible week haha
Honey, put one of the drinks down !! the hangover is not worth it !!
overall, the party was the perfect start to our soon-to-be-weds life together. Of course, they also know how to end the night with a bang, little horndogs that they are
and it looks like all the shimmying had knocked something else loose as bright and early the next morning, Briar was huffing over her pixelated breakfast
that's right, Briar was in labor and we're about to meet the first child of Gen 3 !!
(not saying that Briar is the heir because I'm gonna make you sweat for that one ;))
like many sims before her, Briar settled herself into the terrifying death-pregnancy machine and got ready to meet her little one
welcome to the world, Casper Alphabet.
You look just as terrifying and bald as every other sims infant in the game, d'awww
and while they were all busy at the hospital, I took the opportunity to finish renovating the pool house, now complete with fancy bathroom and spa. I didn't feel like inserting a bunch of pics so enjoy this aerial shot
and I think our simmies approve of the sauna in particular
Briar was adjusting to motherhood and since rooms were in short supply, Casper was in Briar's room for the meantime
ah the joys of newborns, Briar looks just thrilled doesn't she ?
luckily for Briar, Casper aged up into an infant in about 0.1 seconds
and here is the cutieeeeee, he got the cautious trait
lowkey I am a little disappointed about the hair color tho 😮💨 I was hoping we might finally get something other than blond in the legacy
ah well, we were also running a little low on cash so I had Briar hock some more cheap clothing on Trendi. The app feels like cheating so I haven't been using it as much but desperate times yanno
she'd also gotten a promotion in the stylist career which came with an only slightly less ugly outfit
and that evening it was time for Byrd and Hannah's wedding
it was quite a nice affair, besides the fact that it was fackin freezing outside so everyone kept running away and our to-be-weds couldn't stop shivering for long enough to SAY THEIR VOWS grrrrrrrr
whatever, its my own fault for thinking a wedding event would work in this game anyways 🙄
after some finagling, I eventually managed to force everyone where I wanted them and the ceremony could proceed. There was an awful lot of crying going on tho...ladies its ok you'll have your own wedding one day !
the two lovebirds exchanged rings in front of their gathered loved ones
and then they were man and wife yahoooooooo !! Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Schaeffer
and what says awesome wedding better than fireworks ah ?
the after-party was the bomb diggety as all their family and friends got down on the dance floor
of course Byrd and Hannah did an adorable first dance together as well
this event was also the first time that Briar had seen Jax since giving birth and she wasted no time in introducing her best friend to her son
ignore how stinky she is, the bint just peed herself for no reason 🙄
Jaxton was only too happy to meet Casper and took him to the couch to start making googly faces at him. Cas is a super cute kiddo tho so I can't really blame him
Jax wasn't the only one who was charmed tho, Hannah spent quite a lot of time with her nephew while Briar worked on her designs.
spending all her time with Casper was influencing her tho, she kept getting wants to have a kid and it even showed up on her bucket list ! Like damn girl I get the hint
alright guys, with all the super happy things happening in the Alphabet household right now, I have the unfortunate job of bringing you some super sad and strange news :(
Asparagus has permanently disappeared, no tombstone, no nothing. I have no idea what the fack happened, he's legit just gone from the household. He was an elder so I have a feeling he died and the game glitched??? But I'm very sad and sensitive about it !!
RIP to a most excellent doggo who was lost to the void
meanwhile the twins were in their last week of high school and Blythe was spending a lot of her time trying to get a prom date...at least I think that's what she's doing
this guy's name is Nash Scotfield but he was NOT a fan of her funky dance moves, poor chicken. He kept pulling all these faces on her no matter what she did :( turns out they have really crap compatibility
no matter! she quickly moved onto making the acquaintance of Pelham Ott.
oh girl your tactics for attracting men are so.....weird
thankfully Pelham seemed to find her very charming despite all the antics and were soon on their way to an actual friendship
oh and Bryn? well, she was up to her usual tricks
lately she'd gotten really into stinkbombing all her loser classmates lockers hehe
although they did blow up in her face sometimes, which was why I was giggling at my screen as she got gassed this time
...oh she doesn't look good. Weird I've never seen that animation before, huh
wait WAIT, whats going on ?!
oh and marcus rico is t-posing over her dead body.
yep Bryn had in fact died from stinkbombing herself *incoherant screaming* I didn't even know that sims could do that !!!!!
UGGGGHHH this was NOT the plan for this legacy, and poor Blythe just had to sit there and watch as her twin gets reaped gawdddddd.
Well this certainly isn't where I saw things going but uh..........
I think we can make this work 😈😈😈
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