Wednesday, June 5, 2024

The Alphabet Alphabetacy -- Chp 1: Introductions

 Hello lovelies, long time no simbla garba ah ? 

In all seriousness, I have had yet another computer catastrophe UGH and lost all my data yet AGAIN. After the appropriate mourning time and the fact that I only have a laptop to play now, I am yet again back on my Sims 4 schtick. 

Sooooooooooooo, without any further ado, lets get a move on and introduce ya to the founder of our Alphabetacy

This right here is our founder and beaut extraordinare, Alabama Alphabet 

Her traits are Self-Assured, Self-Absorbed, Party Animal, and Muser. And of course her lifetime wish is to be a world famous actress.

woooOOoooOOoooo *the crowd goes wild*

In typical legacy fashion, I've moved her into this very fine empty plot of land in Del Sol Valley

and since I oh so enjoy making things harder for myself the household funds have been set to 0 simoleans

And with nothing but a dream and the clothes on her back, Alabama struck off into the simiverse, anxious to start her legacy

Her first stop was the local hangout in downtown Del Sol Valley where she was more than excited to make the acquaintance of the bartender

He was a handsome sim by the name of Marcus Flex and was taken by Alabama's self-confidence

or erm...yea I don't what to call that

Either way, they bonded over their shared love of partying and had soon struck up a budding friendship

After a while of chatting and with absolutely no simoleans for a drink, Alabama made her way over to the mic to try her hand at busking

Although even she seemed a little put off by her performance skills LOL

Before long, she did get one interested audience member

Who she then proceeded to mock ruthlessly


I mean no ! bad Alabama ! how will we ever get any loyal fans with this kind of behavior !

anyways, attitude issues aside...

since miss Bama was starving and a little stinky at this point, I sent her over to the local gym to try and steal some free food and a nice steamy shower

and she definitely made full use of the free amenities at the fancy gym lot

I mean hey if its good enough for the simlebs then its good enough for our girl

and it was also kindof our only choice seeing as we're not exactly raking in the sim dough ahaha

hey stop frowning at me! maybe you could make some money and we could actually afford to feed you

ayayay *eye roll* self-absorbed sims yanno ?

anyways the gym was also the perfect place to prepare for Alabama's upcoming first audition ! She spent many an hour in front of the mirror perfecting her most dramatic faces

and whiled away the hours pumping some iron because of course simlebrities have to be at their most pristine physical condition at all times

yikers 0_0 don't hurt yourself girl

sadly we don't even have a bed at the moment and Bama has earned like 10 simoleans soooooo we are also sleeping at the gym... yay us ? 

early the next morning Alabama was up and nomming on some delicious popcorn


and with all her needs filled to the brim she was off to her first audition 

yahooo !!

of course she nailed the gig with flying colors and immediately celebrated with a neat party trick. Ah party sims how I do love them

and later that evening Alabama headed out to the humor and hijinks festival that'd just rolled into town. Of course she joined the pranksters team

and with a little free liquid courage she instantly set out to schmooze with all of the high falutin simlebrities

the first target of her affections being miss Penny Pizazz (I think? oops). anyways she got a sweet autograph from her

and filled with a sense of unearned confidence she proceeded to follow her new obsession around the festival, admiring her every move. And for whatever reason, decided it was a perfect time to advance their friendship, trying to introduce herself

whiiiiiiiich was totally ignored....yeesh everyone avert your eyes

welp after that public embarrassment the festival was feeling a lot less welcoming and our girl ran off to the back to hookah away her worries

ah yes now thats an appropriately happy baked sim

now luckily the night was still young and Alabama always knows how to make a night go right. So she happily accepted Marcus' invitation when he asked her out to a bar down in Evergreen Harbor

lets just say that the spark was still there LOL, guess that prankster juice is pretty potent

but in all seriousness, the two sims really did enjoy each others company and spent the night drinking and talking away the hours

and erm ... dance flirting ?

yea maybe its getting close to our girls bedtime

she was getting pretty tired and low on most needs so with the classic Irish/sims goodbye Alabama headed back to the gym for a good night of rest before work in the morning

ah another day another simlebrity for Alabama to obsess over

aaaaaaand another failure of an intro. We REALLY need to work on her rizz skill

ah well, Bama soon had something else to occupy her attention as it was time for her first ever acting job !!

Alabama ran through the studio, adrenaline pulsing through her every vein. This was her dream finally coming true, the day that she'd always waited for since she'd popped into existence as a young adult

hey ! you can't be having a go at the makeup lady already ! She's responsible for you looking good yanno 

aaaaaand there it is. See I told you not to mouth off with her *rolls eyes*

Several redos and a sim hour later Alabama was finally dressed in costume and makeup and ready to make her big stage debut

and what a uh...interesting debut that is dear

but no worries, soon Bama got her sealegs under her, so to speak hehe

She sold those products with all her acting expertise

and scrubbed the ships floors completely clean with her best piratey attitude

ARGHHH matey

I'd say she looks pretty proud of herself haha. And she should be as we finally earned our first chunk of simoleans and a gold star performance !!

and with our small influx of cash, we finally got a teeny tiny little cottage !

(ignore her having a strop, she's just moody)

and here's the inside of our little hut. Yeah we only had enough for a cruddy bed and a toilet but hey its better than nothing !

bright and early the next morning, Alabama was woken by the neighborhood welcome wagon. I guess she wasn't exactly home much before this LOL so the game didn't have an opportunity earlier

like any sim with good manners she invited her neighbors in and instantly laid her eyes on this handsome man, Ayoze Yariz

As they chatted, the rest of the world faded away, the other two neighbors completely forgotten. All Alabama could see was Ayoze, she was thoroughly entranced by the other sim

They spent the morning joking around with the exact same sense of humor and getting to know each other

but all too soon, Ayoze had to go home. Although that miiiight have something to do with the fact that Alabama's hut is also her bathroom LOL

Anyways, not able to get the sim off her mind and with a free night ahead of her, Alabama phoned up Ayoze inviting him to a night out at the best karaoke bar in all of San Myshuno

They spent the night knocking out the top hits on the karaoke machine, although both of them sounded more like dying llamas LOL

yep thoroughly unimpressed audience right there

But that didn't matter to our two sims as they locked eyes and exchanged flirty locks all throughout their setlist

After several crazy renditions of their favorite songs, both our simmies were gettin tired and Ayoze tried to make a run for home. Luckily, Alabama managed to stop him on the way out. She beckoned him closer, knowing that this was her chance

and well, she just went for it

I think she might've taken him a little bit by surprise LOL

It was the perfect end to the perfect night and although our girl was tired she felt like she was floating along the path towards home, her head filled with thoughts of charming Ayoze

moving on quick but in this household the action never stops ! Bama was up early the next morning for her audition

and after she returned victorious (!) she got a very interesting call from her friend Marcus Flex inviting her out to a Windenberg pub with his crew

and I'm sure u guessed right ! Alabama had smooth talked her way into joining the Partihaus club

They were a pretty chill group of sims with a flair for fun and memorable times and of course busting sick moves on the dance floor

and no club night is complete without a group choreographed dance duh

serving Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve, and Talent !!!

oh uh...wrong show my bad

moving on !

turns out that Alabama and Marcus both have a flair for the dramatic and I left them alone to their own devices for too long

I have to admit I was giggling a little bit at my screen as they gathered a crowd for their performance, no doubt a little too much juice had been consumed

OH 0_0 

wow just out in front of everyone huh

aha what can I say, the partihaus is a very uh romantic club hehe

and our two sims were VERY committed to the act they were putting on for the crowd. One might say a little too committed *narrows eyes*

alright alright I think you two might be overdoing it with the bows now

riding on the high of their performance and epic stage kiss, the pretend scene quickly turned into real attraction. They'd spent time together before but in that moment, Marcus was the hottest sim that Bama had ever seen

and our girl always knows how to go after what she wants...

Ah we could blame it on the juice but our girl is just a foxy little minx


The next day, Alabama finally got to her second performance and THANK GOD because we are so desperately broke GAH. I completely forgot how much time it actually takes to make simoleans in the acting track


oh what a uh nice bun *snickers*

the gig went well earning us another gold for our medal collection. I won't bore you with the details as it was pretty much the same as the first one

I totally wasn't being super lazy and didn't want to teach her the guitar skill for the other gig opportunity oops

And with her new simoleans we got the most unexciting remodel of our tiny hovel

back to the truly important part of this chapter, Alabama's social calendar !

 The spice festival had rolled into town and naturally the partihausers had to go stir up some trouble

and look who just happened to show up but Ayoze ! 

and what could possibly be awkward about hanging out with two guys you're interested in together? I mean surely nothing could possibly go wrong there

Before Alabama could make a smooth exit, Ayoze was welcomed by the club to hang out and they all took down the spicy curry challenge together in stride. Well, some more than others LOL. Let's just say that Alabama's spice tolerance isn't what it could be

Later the group settled into a group game of pick me up

I was hoping that we'd find a clear winner for Alabama's affections at the group hang. She'd had such an instant attraction to Ayoze and couldn't quite get him out of her head. But on the other hand, after their tryst the other night she couldn't deny her chemistry with Marcus. She wanted both of them damnit !

With all that said, I guess I can understand the fact that she immediately fled the court to go to the opposite side of the festival. 

Alright message received, she's not going to be picking tonight *sigh*

back at home, Alabama was fully enjoying all of her new commodities

well maybe enjoying was hyping it up a little too much LOL but still at least we could take care of most of our needs at home now

although we did have to get a little creative with our hand showers

and we had an actual mirror for Alabama to practice all the necessary skills for her auditions

The next week in simtime passed in a nice sort of routine as her life settled into place

She went on dates with Ayoze all over town, from the flea market... the bowling alley... the skating rink


they even made it to the rooftop Stargazer Lounge to enjoy the complimentary hot tubs

Safe to say that the two sims were completely and utterly smitten. And Alabama truly did feel that way, so why was she having such a hard time settling down? Fully committing ? 

Whilst she wasn't spending time with one beau, our gal was out on the town blowing off some steam with her very best friends (and uh other beau LOL)

The crew mainly spent their time shimmying at Windenburg's finest dance hall

where Marcus and Alabama often snuck off to the local bush for some uh bonding time :D

They also spent time at the gym where Marcus trained Bama to her limit to prepare for her very athletic acting roles

errrrmm, crazy face alert

I guess it worked for Marcus though because their workouts always ended up in another cardio sesh for the two sims. In the very public showers I might add....

Now I know what you're thinking but Alabama couldn't explain her actions either. She knew she liked Ayoze, maybe even loved him. He was absolutely perfect for her, he might even be The One, but she just didn't want to settle down yet. Her career was just starting and she was totally broke, I mean the girl couldn't even afford a shower.

Plus it didn't help that she also had an amazing time with Marcus, the sims shared so much in common plus they were obviously very er compatible ;) 

Clearly she needed a place to get her mind off of the situation and that place was work

Over the past sim weeks, Alabama had been steadily working her way up the fame and acting ladder, securing her legacy in the bizz

she showcased her acting chops in any role available, seriously she was working every gig she could ! no part too small, that was Bama's motto !

one day she was a dancing voidcritter for kids tv

where I must say all of her shimmying practice really came in handy LOL

AND they liked her performance so much that she reprised the role

well actually more like I didn't feel like skilling her up for the other audition but lets not talk about that 

the next weekend she set off for the high seas as a guest star on Pirates of Windenburg !

ARRRRRR mateys draw yer blades and face me wrath !


welp, that is not where I thought this gig was going

uhhh sexy vampire Pirates of Windenburg ???

anywayyyyyyys with all the money coming in from her gigs, our little hut went through many slow very anticlimactic remodels, enjoy the montage:

shower AND toilet AND bigger bed?! wow we are really moving up in the world

and last but not least, ladies and gents a round of applause for a functioning kitchen

the next morning Ayoze swung by, hilariously wearing a semi-matching fit

Alabama was so happy to see him, it felt like every part of her life was finally falling into place

As the two sims chatted away the morning, exchanging flirty looks and witty report, Bama had a gut feeling and like we've always known her to do, she just acted on it. I mean you could never accuse the girl of being boring, huh.  To hell with caution !

She asked Ayoze to be her boyfriend AND to move in with her

and I'd say she was pretty damn excited when he said yes to both LOL


Little intro, Ayoze's traits are Family Oriented, Active, and Loyal and his aspiration is Body Builder !

And dear readers, with our lovebirds finally together under one roof, this is where I leave you

Will Ayoze be the soulmate that Alabama seems to think he is? Will she actually dump Marcus for good? Will this legacy ever get a second gen? Find out in Chp. 2 ;)

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