Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The Alphabet Alphabetacy -- Chp. 2 : Switching Roles

 helloooooooooo and welcome back to the second chapter of the Alphabet Alphabetacy

alright alright no need for all the applause, let's just jump right in ey ?

last time we left off with our lovebirds newly moved in to their tiny little hut ( and in matching outfits LOL)

of course they immediately made sure to try out the new bed ;)

the next morning, Ayoze tried his hand at some breakfast in bed for his lady but it uh didn't exactly go well

and UNFORTUNATELY we got a stupid water-saving NAP voted into the neighborhood so Bama had to go around collecting signatures to get it repealed ughhhh

I mean at least she got to meet some of the neighbors but likeeeeeee still kindof irritating LOL

ok so ermmmmm time to update you guys on the fact that when Ayoze moved into our household, I discovered that he has THREE children already with Penny Pizazz, but they weren't in like any sort of relationship... hmmmm

at this point I took a quick little looksie at my mods and discovered that I had in fact left the setting on where hookups could produce offspring.... oops !

Yeah I think Ayoze's face here says it all LOL

anywayyyys we don't stand for deadbeat dads in this household so naturally Ayoze was off in San Myshuno spending some quality time with his daughters

I thiiiiink their names are Marielle, Isabelle, and Raelynn

*checks notes* 

Yep that’s right 

later that day, he headed off to the spa with Alabama as both sims desperately needed some pampering and relaxation

They spent some time making gains in the fancy spa gym

then donned some complimentary sheet masks and made their way to the hot springs

side note, I have not played Sims 4 in a HOT MINUTE and didn't realize they'd added more content into spa day with the 'refresh' since I was barely paying attention. Nice surprise I must say

the next day, Bama set off for another day of fame and stardom

But before we could do basically anything but get into hair and makeup, showers of confetti burst out above her and she popped out a cute little bump !! 

That's right, the first kid of Gen 2 is on the wayyyyyyyy

well there goes Bama's good mood as nausea from the first trimester swept over her

don't throw up, don't throw up, don't throw up

with all that going on, she completed the gig as best she could

....sword fight and all

AH god be careful !! You have our 2nd gen in there for gods sakes *facepalm*

Thank god our gal arrived home unscathed from her stunt and headed straight inside to tell Ayoze the good news !

I'd say both our simmies were pretty excited about the impending bambino

So excited in fact that Ayoze took Alabama by the hand and asked if she'd be up to go watch the stars at the beach that night to celebrate

Of course our girl said yes to the late night getaway, but unbeknownst to her, stargazing wasn't Ayoze's only plan that night

oh no he had something much MUCH more important planned

With the stars twinkling above them, Ayoze got down on one knee and asked Alabama to spend the rest of their lives together

and of course, she said yes :)


Now, the days of Alabama's pregnancy passed relatively quickly. She spent arguably too much time at the gym for a pregnant person but hey the skilling never stops right ?

Ayoze was also focused on skilling up his fitness, gotta be active to chase those tots around, right? 

In actuality, since he aspires to be a bodybuilder we'd hooked him up with a job in athletics at the local sports arena woot woot !

He'd already gotten one promotion but hey gotta keep working up the ladder

Alabama also made time to hang out at the local bowling alley with her bestest friends in the world, the Partihausers

Jade in particular was ecstatic about hearing her big news and made sure to appropriately feel up her belly for baby kicks    

And pretty soon fall had rolled into Del Sol Valley, turning pretty much all the trees this gorgeous red color !

The morning of her next gig, Alabama felt a little strange, her stomach kept feeling weird, almost like some sort of cramp....

oh well the show must go on !

ANDDDD I think this is our first big multiple-set stage you guys !!

Alabama put on her profesh big girl acting face and feigned her way through the entire performance even though her stomach was starting to hurt more and more

oh 0_0

oh that cannot be healthy

this feels like it was maaaybe too much of an athletic role for her at this point. What, a pregnant sim can't bowl but they can beat someone up ?? I mean, come onnnn

thankfully she did a half decent job even while miserable cuz we need the moolah !

as soon as she teleported back home, her stomach pains increased tenfold and she knew that she was in active labor

Everything went so fast, there wasn't time to panic or make it to the hospital before a crib popped into existence in the living room and Alabama pushed and huffed the house down

and a whole lot of sparkles later, 

everyone meet Byrd Alphabet !!!

With our new arrival the hut was getting a little crowded and we'd saved up a meager amount so welcome to the Alphabet's new casa

and of course you all get a ~brief~ house tour as its just a small starter

Among the furniture we did manage to splurge for a punching bag for Alabama and Ayoze

moving on to bedroom, where our trusty mirror still lives

a working bathroom with everything a sim could need

and last but not least a very empty nursery for little Byrd to grow up in, or at least get through the baby stage until we can get some more enriching items

our sims were appropriately excited about their new home, Ayoze in particular running at a mad dash to go admire their brand spankin new interior

oh erm maybe not the best costume to comfort the baby 0_o

NOOOOOO....welp goodbye baby Byrd, he's been enveloped by the llama monster XD

thankfully the llama threat was neutralized and the baby stage flew by in a mess of dirty diapers,

dirty dishes, and broken plumbing woo !

but before I knew it, our two parents were gathered round the crib to welcome little Byrd into infanthood

yahooooooo !!! 

and he gained the wiggly infant trait, so cute ! :D

heres a better shot of him all made over and such

and with the few simoleans we had laying around, we bought a nice new infant crib and changing table

With their kiddo all infant-sized and such, our simmies got straight to work on all the milestones that a young sim needs

While also managing to keep him clean and fed, which sounds easy in practice but lemme tell ya it is NOT

Everywhere I looked, the house was overrun with broken plumbing

and dirty diapers, dishes, and bottles, oh my !

Our parents barely got any time to themselves and tensions were starting to run high in the Alphabet household

It didn't help that it was a full time job to keep the toilet repaired and our gal kept wetting herself LOL

So it was really only a matter of time before she totally lost her cool on Ayoze. They'd had little spats here and there since Byrd was born but nothing like this. 

Pissed off and exhausted, Alabama knew she needed a break, and she knew the perfect crew to join her on a night out

Bama had a ridiculously fun night reliving the days before parenthood with her oldest friends

And of course there's no better way to relax than with a glass of Windenburg's finest purple wine

ok fineeee, maybe a couple glasses ;)

And with her inhibitions suitably dulled, miss Bama did absolutely nothing to deter Marcus when he struck up a conversation with her

They hadn't spent much time together lately since Alabama had committed herself fully to Ayoze. But as much as she wanted to deny it, Marcus was one of her best friends. And she found herself enjoying their conversation as he let her whine and moan all she wanted about motherhood

He even managed to get her to crack a smile

As the bar started to wind down, Marcus and Alabama were still wrapped up in their conversation and it had taken a bit of a ermmm complimentary turn

Alabama felt her stomach twinge a little even through all the wine but its not like they were doing anything wrong, it was just one friend appreciating another, right ?


oh this is so not where I thought this night was gonna go

Immediately after their elicit tryst, Alabama suddenly felt completely sober and completely utterly guilty. As she jogged home, her head swarmed with thoughts of her wonderful fiance and their amazing child together and she just kept thinking if was just happened was real. Did she really just do that ? Why did she do that ?!?!

The next morning, Alabama was up bright and early, guilt still pinching at every fiber of her being. So she did really the only thing she could do; committed herself to being the best partner and mother that had ever been in the sims

She cooked delicious family meals,

worked with Byrd on figuring out his milestones,

and of course she spent lots of quality cuddle time with the little monster as well

Don't be so surprised either, even though he spent more time with his father, Bryd and Alabama had a great relationship, after all babies are silly machines and Alabama always enjoyed a good laugh

she even managed to find time to uh reconnect with Ayoze

and somehow with all of this going on, she was still at the studio working every gig that came her way

And as the simoleans kept trickling in we were able to add some more furniture into our little home. They'd been having quite a hard time keeping up fun while caring for the little one so the tv would be MUCH appreciated

oh and Byrd's room got a much needed upgrade

He especially enjoyed his sweet little playmat !

Like the good simlebrity she is, Alabama made sure to update her fans on all the new renos and she was a level 2 simleb at this point so I'm sure she had some fans who cared

later that night, Bama upchucked all over our brand new upgraded toilet

and then proceeded to pop out a baby bump !! 2nd child of Gen 2 is on the wayyyyyy, gotta do my little happy dance behind my screen

now I'm sure you're thinking what I'm thinking, happy news and all but isn't the timing just a liiiiittle suspect ?

well sweet Bama was thinking exactly the same thing and once again was almost sweating with the guilt. Even as she told her fiancee the good news, she couldn't bring herself to smile, she didn't even want to think about the possibility of it not being his child

Well I suppose nothing to do about it now and aside from her neverending shame, the pregnancy passed as usual

Bryd achieved even more milestones

and he could even sit up now !! 

look at that cute little face jafiodosdfskaonvdsao gahhhhhhhh

and look at him scootin his way around EEEEEEE

I'm such a proud overlord *wipes tear*

another day, another acting gig for Alabama, this time as a hot young doctor on Scrubbin Love

lets just say she didn't exactly ace this one, I mean with an infant at home and another one cookin, she showed up completely exhausted with literally no job objectives complete

aaaand it really didn't help that peed herself in front of everyone 

*snickers* oh uh I mean oh no that's terrible !

ope Ayoze is freaking out, that can only mean one thing...

Alabama is ready to deliver the next child of gen 2

yahoooo !!!

she climbed right on into the birthing contraption like a good little sim


oh...oh my god ?! Put that back right now !

after the doctor had finished his game of operation, one healthy bouncing baby girl was born, lets all give a warm welcome to:

Briar Alphabet

and where was Ayoze you ask ? oh just freaking out in the hallway like any proper fiance. I mean after all, he does think this is his child ;)

Back at home, Briar got her own adorable crib to do baby sim things in. 

Alright, alright, settle down. I know you all are clammorin for the skinny so here's the deal, Briar is in fact Marcus' baby but she popped out with this very pale skin tone and its not like Ayoze did a paternity test or knows about the affair sooooooooo Alabama kept quiet

moving on from Alabama's questionable morals and onto our simmies adjusting to having two little ones at home

just a little zoom in aside because oh em GEE AHHHHHH hes so CUTEEE

sadly the infant stage can't last forever and the next day, Byrd aged up into a toddler, and got the innocent trait plus a couple skill boosts

and I uh totally forgot to take pictures of his age up oops

but don't worry guys and gals he's still a total cutie

although a grumpy one, why do all my kids turn out so moody GAH

Alabama got right to work teaching her little one to talk

and learning his new bedtime routine

like any good sim dad, Ayoze was always there for all of the nighttime scaries 

and as a side note, isn't Byrd just like his little twin in terms of coloring ? Hoping he gets the good face genes too, fingers crossed

and as the baby stage is short and sweet, I blinked and it was time for Briar to join infanthood

woooooo yey pretty sparkles ! I think she got the sunny trait

oy Ayozeeee your 'daughter' is aging up here maybe stop scrolling for a sec 

YOU'RE JOKINGGGGG stop she's the most adorable little thing

and LMAO because what a perfect clone of Alabama in terms of coloring. Bama literally couldn't have wished for a better outcome to cover up an affair baby's parentage

yada yada you know the drill by now and not much happened in the Alphabet household over the next couple days except working towards milestones...


...and taking care of the various needs of young growing sims

and there was just LOADS to keep track of as both kids needs seemed to bottom out quite quickly

lets just say there was a lot of uhhh..... stank goin on in the household

 pretty soon Harvestfest had rolled around and our household did all the fun holiday activites, like decorating the house

and Alabama cooked up a delicious turkey dinner for everyone to nom on

even little Byrd got in on the fun!! Geez I do love how toddlers can eat their own servings of adult food

Seeing as Alabama was a right goober, she also spent a fair amount of time trying to charm the gnomes

which uhhhh did not go well for her, and there goes the rest of our working plumbing ughhh *facepalm*

welp with that, I believe this chapter has officially come to a close ladies and gents

tune back in next time for more Alphabetacy craziness! How will the kiddos grow up ? Will Ayoze ever find out about the affair ? guess you'll have to meet me at the next chapter to answer those questions, au revoir !

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