**Points can be viewed under each generation heading and here :)**
Current Overall Point Total: 57
--mostly copied from the forums parentacy challenge + customized for things I wanted to explore --
No Cheats
No Mods that can make the challenge easier or provide you with an advantage i.e mods that alter the prices of objects or bills or enable easier promotions etc
Custom Content is allowed
No quitting game without saving
The heir is required to stay on the lot until they die
No Adoptions (exception for gen 10)
No Lifetime Rewards (exception for gen 2 and Fertility Treatment)
You are allowed to play other households as long as you do not interact with the sims involved with the legacy (so i.e I am going to change the clothes on one of the guys and I'm going to make one of her friends get married or something)
When you move onto the next generation, the old heir/founder cannot earn points from their point chart thingy, likewise, they cannot lose points either.
Only skills that have been maxed by the heir to the next/of the current generation are counted for points.
You may use the MC Control Center on other sims as long as they are not married to the heir, going to become the heir and/or related to the heir and still living in the household.
Obviously if your sim gets abducted, there is nothing you can do about it, and that's fine. It'll be interesting to introduce alien blood into timeline.
This counts for every generation: +25pts for every aspiration completed.
GENERATION 1: SINGLE PARENT OF ONE (Two if she/he has twins)
Gen 1 Total: 32
You create a female or male sim. She/he ventures out into the world to make a living. She/he reaches level 2 of a career of your choice. She/he meets someone and becomes pregnant or impregnates someone. She/he tells the other parent and he/she runs off . She/he is left with a baby to look after alone. She/he quits her current job. She/he does not move in with anyone or get married.
GTW: She/he also cannot buy a retail store as this would kind of count as a job, however if you have already done this, this rule doesn't apply to you :)
2pts for reaching level 2 of a career = 2
15pts for maxing a skill x2 = 30
-20pts if they has a child before she reaches level 2 of her career = 0
-20pts if they keeps a job/retail store after she has had a child = 0
-20pts if they marries = 0
Gen 2 Total: 25
When the child becomes a young adult, you can begin their generation. He/she is completely focused on their career as his/hers parent had not had enough money to give them much stuff when they were little. When they reach the top of their career they focus on having a child. They can have up to two children. They retire. YOU MAY USE YOUNG AGAIN POTION!
GTW: They can either reach the top of their career or own a retail store worth $250,000.
DO: Own and run a five star restaurant
10pts for reaching the top of their career/owning a retail store worth $250,000/own and run a five star restaurant = 10
10pts for retiring or selling business/restaurant = 10
15pts for maxing a skill = 30
20pts for marriage on lot = 0
25pts for marriage off lot = 0
-20pts if they try for baby after having already successfully trying for baby two times(having tried for a baby and it been successful 2 times) = 0
-25pts if she/he has a child (with wife/girlfriend for male) before they reach level 10 of their
career = -25
Gen 3 Total:
When your chosen heir becomes a young adult, you can begin their generation. His/her mother/father had no time to love them with concentrating on work, so he/she does not get a job, but runs away to explore the jungle and 'find themselves' in the wilderness like all the magazines say they can. They must meet their spouse in Selvadorada.
5pts for reaching Level 5 in Archaeology = 5
10pts for meeting Spouse in Selvadorada = 10
15pts for reaching Level 10 in Archaeology
15pts for maxing a skill (Not counting Archaeology)
20pts for every marriage on lot
25pts for every marriage off lot
-25pts if they do not marry someone they met in Selvadorada
Gen 4 Total:
When your chosen heir ages up to young adult, this generation begins. They hated how their parent spent their life just exploring the jungle and did nothing else, and they swear that they will not commit to doing just one thing. He/she joins secret agent career and gets to level 5 and then decides they want a job change because they don't want to commit. You can choose any career.
He/she has at least five different boyfriends/girlfriends before he/she settles down with someone. On the day before he/she ages up to adult, they get pregnant (or have a child with someone) with their only child.
2 points for every boyfriend/girlfriend he/she has
10pts for reaching level 5 in the Secret Agent career.
10pts for retiring
20pts for getting married on lot
25pts for getting married off lot
-15pts if they aren't a secret agent/detective.
-25pts if they have a child before/after the day they aging up to adult
-25pts if they get married without off having at least five different girlfriend/boyfriends.
-25pts if have more than one child
Gen 5 Total:
When the child ages to teenager this generation begins. Make your sim get together with a fellow student at school (again if there is no teenagers you may download some from the gallery). When they age up to young adult, they get pregnant. Instead of this, you could try and get your male sim to get abducted within 5 days after aging up to YA. When they have the baby they don't love it, they don't want it but they have to keep it. They must not stay with the child's other parent. They neglect the child, only feeding and cleaning it. They just ignore the child and get on with their life. They don't have another child.
10pts for reaching the top of career
10pts for retiring
15pts for maxing skill
20 points for every marriage on lot
25pts for getting married off lot
-20pts for staying with the parent of the child
-25pts for having more than one kid (unless abducted)
-30pts for being friends, good friends or best friend with child after they age to child
Gen 6 Point Total:
When the child reaches young adult, this generation begins. As he/she was neglected as a child, their parents never noticed how they weren't completely sane. He/she must have the traits Insane and Slob. They must earn money by busking and writing songs. They can have as many children as they want. They must get married and the husband/wife should do most of the housework and not get a job.
10pts for retiring
15pts for maxing a skill
20pts for every marriage on lot
25pts for every marriage off lot
-25pts for not having the traits Insane and Slob
-30pts if they don't get married
-30pts if their spouse gets a job
Gen 7 Point Total:
When your chosen heir ages up to young adult, this generation begins. This sim is very clever and wishes to know all of the worlds secrets because their parent didn't try to learn anything. He/she has the traits Genius and Geek. They must max at least 3 skills and join the Scientist or Tech Guru career. They must marry a fellow geek. They can have 1 child for every two skills maxed.
10pts for maxing a skill
10pts for maxing career
35pts for maxing 3 skills
20pts for marriage on lot
25pts for marriage off lot
20pts for having baby on lot
25pts for having baby off lot
-20pts for dying without maxing 3 skills
-20pts for joining a career that isn't tech guru.
-25pts if marry someone who isn't a geek.
Gen 8 Point Total:
When your chosen heir ages up to young adult, this generation begins. Their aspiration should be Serial Romantic. They can join either the writer career or entertainer career. They must have at least 3 different children from different men/women, all of which that they have married.
10pts for every successful date
10pts for maxing career
10pts for maxing a skill
20pts for marriage on lot
25pts for marriage off lot
-20pts for having a more than one child with one particular spouse
-20pts for having less than 3 children
-20pts for different aspiration
Gen 9 Point Total:
When your chosen heir becomes a teenager, they can start their generation. They spent their childhood with their half-siblings, watching them go off with their other parent and going off with their own other parent. Seeing the misery it caused the children and the parents, they decided that they would only marry their one true love. They must fall in love when they are a teenager (if there are no teenagers, you may download some from the gallery). They must then get married to their high school sweetheart as soon as they age to young adult and have a baby soon after they get married. They must have at least two children and the person they get married to must work. They do not work. They can't make money from hobbies, their partner's income can be the only income.
10pts for dating someone
15pts for maxing a skill
20pts for getting married on lot
25pts for getting married off lot
-25pts for getting a job
-25pts for having less than two children
Gen 10 Point Total:
When your chosen heir ages up to teenager, this generation begins. Listening to their parents stories about high school, they decided that they wouldn't let their whole life revolves around one other person. They want to be popular and be the leader of the most awesome club in school. When they age up to young adult, they decide that they don't want to just stop their club at high school, they want to be the leader of it forever. They keep gatherings regular.
10pts for starting a club
12pts for every club perk bought
12pts for every three friends made
20pts for building a special club lot
20pts for getting married on lot
25pts for getting married off lot
-20pts for not hosting a gathering every week
-50pts for deleting the club
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