Friday, March 9, 2018

Changes to the Parentacy....

Hi All!

So if any of you lovelies has actually read through the parentacy rules then you know that the next generation (ie, Grayson's generation) is supposed to be all about painting and whatnot. Buuuuuuut with the release of Jungle Adventures and since I kindof already explored the painting angle with Gen 1, I've decided that I'm changing Gen 3 to be about a jungle adventurer parent :) Below will be the updated rules! (They closely mirror the original rules but changed for the jungle)

When your chosen heir becomes a young adult, you can begin their generation. His/her mother/father had no time to love them with concentrating on work, so he/she does not get a job, but runs away to explore the jungle and 'find themselves' in the wilderness like all the magazines say they can. They must meet their spouse in Selvadorada.

5pts for reaching Level 5 in Archaeology
10pts for meeting Spouse in Selvadorada
15pts for reaching Level 5 in Archaeology
20pts for every marriage on lot
25pts for every marriage off lot
-25pts if they do not marry someone they met in Selvadorada

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